Friday, May 24, 2013

At Home Grooming

          Today the boys got brushed, trimmed, and bathed, and they weren't too happy about it. Well, Kilo loves being brushed, which I find ironic since he has almost no hair. Tank, who is double coated and should probably be brushed way more than he actually is, acts like I've given him a death sentence.
          This is the amount of fur that a few minutes of brushing with a Bamboo FurBuster got me (that pile is about 2 inches thick, by the way). Now, I know lots of people trim their dogs' toenails, but it really stresses me out. I am in the middle of a financial hiccup right now, though, so I can't afford to take them to have them trimmed professionally. I'm just always scared I'm going to cut them too short. I almost never do, but today I did. :( I cut one of Kilo's back paw toenails too short, luckily I always have peroxide and a septic stick nearby because of my paranoia. He didn't cry or yelp, instead he gave this look like, "You have no idea what you're doing, do you?" Then he just laid his head back down and waited for me to finish. He's such a trooper...that is until you get him near a bathtub. Then this happens....
          Seriously? You would think I was bathing him in ice water and then beating him. Alas, the water is warm and he always gets a treat afterwards...sometimes two. No beatings to be found anywhere. For hating baths he's actually well behaved. He just stands there, unlike Tank who does this...
          He will keep his head on my lap until I'm done, consistently trying to crawl out, push up against me, and eat the soap. Again, he always gets a treat when he's done, but he'd never tell you.
         Currently I am using this shampoo: 
          I'm actually neutral on it, it does cut down on shedding for all of a week, and then Tank is back to being a walking hair dispenser. And it doesn't help with my allergies any. I'm highly allergic to all things fuzzy. Cats can actually put me in the hospital, and I have to take 1 allergy pill 3 times a day not to break out with my dogs. They're my kids though, and I love them. I think I'm going to try an anti-dander shampoo after I'm done doing this one. Anyone have any recommendations? Anyways, the dogs are sunbathing and I have some research to do. Until next time. <3

An Introduction

          My name is Victoria. I am a pet owner. I currently have two dogs whom you will meet later. Currently, we live in a one bedroom apartment 30 minutes outside of Denver. I'm currently here for school, and I will be moving once my degree is up. I was born and raised in the Kansas City area, both KS and MO. I did 3 years in the Navy, and now I'm studying to be an Entomologist (I want to study bugs).
          Now on the the fun stuff, this is Kilo and Tank:

          Tank is one yawning and Kilo is the one begging. Tank is a Boxer mix and Kilo is a Cane Corso. I got Tank when I was transferring from California to Maryland. Kilo was actually my ex-husband's dog until the divorce, and he and I agreed it would be better to keep the boys together because they had bonded. Both are rescues. Kilo is 4 and Tank is 3. So, that's our family; single college girl in Colorado apartment living with 150 lbs of dog.
           The purpose of the blog is to cover our adventures including trips we take, brands we like (and those we don't), problems, tricks, tips, and all the fun stuff. There will be photos, recipes, reviews, and the like. So, please, enjoy. :)